Heartbreaks are no joke. It literally makes you physically sick and wrecks your emotional stability. All of a sudden, you can’t sleep without tossing and turning, you lose your appetite even for the most delicious of foods, there’s a constant feeling of dread lodged at the lower part of your stomach, and you find yourself crying at odd hours…the list goes on and on.
What if we tell you that we can predict whether or not you will be served breakfast this year, and how many times it will happen? Take this quiz and find out so you’re not caught in a web of sadness all because you chose to fall in love! To be forewarned is to be forewarned, dears!
What’s your current relationship status?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Pick a song that appeals to you
You're out on a Friday night wearing your baddest fit. You meet a tall, dark and handsome big money spender who expresses interest in you. What’s your next move?
How do you get over a heartbreak?
What’s your ultimate relationship dealbreaker?
What’s an appropriate first date?
You just had a perfect first date with a potential partner. How do you end the night?
How do you handle confrontations?
What trope in the romance genre is your ultimate fave?
Someone hurt you and then asked for help. What would you do?
Choose a pet
How do you feel about marriage?
How do you define success in a relationship?
On a scale of 1-10, how clingy are you in relationships?
Take this Quiz and We Will Tell You How Many Heartbreaks Await You this Year
Seems like you are not chopping any breakfast this year girl. In fact, you may even be the one serving breakfast
Only a few
You have a couple of heartbreaks in store for you this year. But the good news is that you will learn quickly from your mistakes regarding heart matters.
Not one, not two, but a thousand
Girl, get a lot of handkerchiefs and a trusty friend you can cry to over and over again. Don’t say we didn’t do anything for you!