So you’re either a Gemini, sleeping with a Gemini, are friend’s with a Gemini, or have a crush on someone who is a Gemini.
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
If you were born between May 20th and June 21st, then you fall under this quick-witted and charming twin sign. Geminis are ruled by the planet Mercury, the fastest planet to orbit the sun, this explains why they are so fast paced in every single thing they do.
Mercury’s influence over this air sign also makes them awfully good at communicating, processing information and writing.
Gemini babies love to live on the wild side of life, they crave change, enjoy engaging in conversations (where they do most of the talking), and have an attention span of a toddler (but this can easily be remedied by juicy gossip!).
There is never a dull moment with a whimsical Gemini by your side. They can be quite crazy, fickle-hearted, unpredictable and adventurous. This air sign is most compatible with Aries, Libra and Aquarius.
In this article, I’ll be taking you through what this intriguing sign is looking for in a partner and what they are like if and when they finally decide to get into a relationship.
So, what’s a Gemini actually looking for in a relationship?
People born under this sign have a reputation for being uncommitted lovers, so an ideal partner for them would be someone light-hearted with a strong and intriguing personality, possibly a social butterfly and conversationalist like themselves.
A Gemini needs a partner that can effortlessly hold their attention and keep things interesting, their fleeting nature makes it almost impossible for them to cope with monotony and conventionality.
A partner who can think far and wide, startup witty and stimulating conversations and get them up to speed on a wide variety of topics, is what this sign needs. This air sign often has a lot of plans they are yet to kick off or complete, so a partner that can follow them through projects and see to it that they get things done would be appreciated.
Geminis are intrigued by versatility, they need someone that can effortlessly match, with a seeming mastery, whatever topic or scenario they are faced with. They also want independent and open-minded partners.
People born under this sign value honesty, although they aren’t exactly the most honest romantic partners. They thrive in relationships where they can do them and you can do you. Geminis can be emotionally guarded so an overly sensitive, irrational and extremely emotional partner just might drive this sign crazy.
‘This sign needs someone smart, chatty, civil, honest, direct, spontaneous and outgoing to make a relationship work.
So, how do Gemini’s behave in relationships?
1. Truthfully, They Can Be Insecure
It’s almost impossible to pick up on this, but Gemini’s have this suppressed fear of abandonment that often comes out when they are anxious, this feeling can make them uncharacteristically clingy or needy.
They can be insecure despite the bold front they put on; they don’t exactly need to be validated at all times but they do struggle with how they perceive themselves. They might receive a shitload of compliments every day but that doesn’t stop them from feeling like they are not enough.
Gemini’s need to learn to explore their emotions and need to stop explaining their feelings away.
Your Gemini partner would often stay away when they are in terrible moods and come around when they feel like talking, they don’t respond well to being nagged or pestered to open up, so just give them their space and get them to open up in gradual attempts.
On the bright side, sulkiness and prolonged bouts of sadness is not this signs thing, Geminis have this admirable ability to move past things fast and can quickly bounce back from even the most embarrassing slip ups.
2. Gemini’s Are Supportive Af, But Only If They Like Ya!
When it comes to showing support, this twin sign takes the crown. Gemini’s make extremely supportive partners and friends, if they really like or love you.
They would go out of their way to search for resources for that essay you’re working on, or prep you for that important job interview coming up. Dispensing support is one thing this air sign is astoundingly good at.
If this sign likes you, you’ll know it because they will want to know everything and anything about you. If you hint at needing help with something, they will immediately swoop in to lend a hand.
3. Spontaneity Rules Their Lives
Due to their whimsical nature, Gemini signs can’t help being spontaneous, which makes them impulsive.
If your Gemini partner or friend cancels or changes plans you’ve been looking forward to all week, don’t even fret or vex. That’s who they are, they couldn’t help it if they tried! You’ll either love them for it because of how exciting it makes them or you’ll hate them.
And how could you possibly hate a Gemini?
4. The Charming Flirts
Ever flirted with or been approached by a Gemini?
They have such a way with words and are masterful at speaking to you in ways that will make you smile, even if you really don’t want to.
They are way too charming: One second you’re laughing at all their perfectly worded jokes, next thing your panties are on the floor somewhere across the room.
5. Chatterboxes of the Zodiac
People born under this air sign are gifted conversationalists. They love to meet new people and talk at length about their ambitions and interests.
This trait of theirs can be endearing when they’re charming you with their mastery of language, analyzing certain scenarios or introducing you to new concepts and ideas, but it can also be nerve wracking when they lose themselves in conversations and proceed to blabber on and on without a break in sight.
Gemini’s are chatty in nature and light up whenever they get a chance to exercise their social skills. They do have a tendency to take over conversations but they mean no harm. Their tendency to talk at length is often misinterpreted as them being self-absorbed, and their poor listening abilities and fleeting attention span doesn’t exactly make this a trumped-up misconception.
When it comes to sex and intimacy, Gemini’s absolutely love to dirty talk, they will have you giddy and tongue tied with their wicked way with words.
6. Their Imagination And Curiosity Runs Wild
Gemini babies are often stuck in their heads and have a special affinity for creative work.
This sign always excels in whatever field they choose to specialize in, and won’t pass up an opportunity to share one of their brilliant ideas.
Sex for this imaginative sign often plays out better in their heads than in real life. They love a good erotic fantasy so don’t let it surprise you if your Gemini crush or partner is into role play.
People born under this sign are always flowing with creative juices and appreciate spontaneity in their bedroom antics, they love to explore different sex positions and don’t mind a good and satisfying quickie.
7. The Biggest Commitment-Phobes
Decision making is this shifty sign’s biggest challenge. Gemini’s change their minds way too many times!
They aren’t exactly freaked out by commitment; they just take way too much time to figure out if someone is worth settling down with. People born under this sign always want to keep their options open, they subconsciously feel a relationship is going to confine them.
A Gemini may feel deeply for a prospective partner one day, then feel the complete opposite the next (after spending hours overthinking things). It takes this sign forever to settle down.
8. They Love Challenges (Too Much)
I think out of all the star signs, Gemini’s are the most notorious for biting off way more than they can chew, they just can’t help it.
Gemini’s love challenges and crave variety in their lives. They dread falling into boring routines and are always searching for new experiences, but they tend to get anxious easily which leads to them leaving a lot of things unfinished.
This twin sign can also be quite restless, this makes it hard for them to focus on one thing.
Your Gemini partner will most likely take on a lot of projects their scatterbrained selves can’t handle, or make way too many new friends they can’t possibly keep in touch with. Gemini’s find it hard to finish one thing before they move onto the next and need a patient and goal-oriented partner to balance them out.
9. They Are Walking Contradictions
Gemini’s are so unpredictable and are often said to have a dual personality, their star sign is after all depicted by the mythological twins, Pullox and Castor, which makes this trait of theirs kind of understandable.
A lot of people interpret this quality as Gemini’s being two faced and conniving but that’s not true, this air sign rarely ever has a hidden agenda because they really do have a good heart.
People born under this sign can come off as walking contradictions due to their ability to adapt to whatever social atmosphere they come into. To put it simply, Gemini’s are social chameleons. They see nothing wrong in adapting to certain behaviors and ideas to establish connections with people, a lot of people see this as being two faced, but in the world of the erratic Gemini they are just exercising their social skills.
Their indecisive nature also makes them seem like they have a dual personality.
Your Gemini partner may excitedly make plans with you, then flippantly cancel on you like they weren’t buzzed to hang out some minutes ago.
That’s just who they are.
Gemini’s make amazing partners and friends, and did I mention that they are the most amazing kissers?