A person’s zodiac sign may inspire you to steer clear of them, but it may also be what draws you to them. As much as we focus on which zodiac signs to avoid, there are also green flags that endear us to them. Here are some of the best qualities of each sign.

Aries: You’re Loyal To Your Friends and Loved Ones
As an Aries, you’re loyal; you’ll stand with your friends till the end of the earth. You’re as passionate as you are selfless and generous. You’re good at keeping secrets, and your friends can be assured in the knowledge that you’re in their corner, through thick and thin. Once you have someone’s back, you have it for life, and the enemy of your friend is instantly your enemy.
Taurus: You’re Always There For People, No Matter What
Taurus girlies are always there for their friends and family. If you need support, company, help or just to hang out, they will race to be by your side if they care about you. They are the ultimate listening ear and shoulder to cry on, and will go to great lengths to cater to their loved ones.
Gemini: You’re Always Open and Honest
Geminis tell it like it is. They will always call you out on your bullshit with love, and tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They are also honest with themselves and acknowledge their flaws and shortcomings willingly. You can have tough conversations with a Gemini knowing that they will give good, honest feedback or advice. They are dependable and have the best interests of the people in their life at heart.
Cancer: You’re Very Persistent
If a Cancer fails at something, then they will simply try again and again until they succeed. Cancers are devoted to their goals and the people they care about. Their persistence is present in every aspect of their lives, from career aspirations to romance to friendships.
Leo: You’re Forgiving
Leos are known for their fiery temper, but on the other side of that coin is a forgiving nature. Leos don’t like to be unhappy for too long, so they are usually willing to forgive offenses as long as the apology is satisfactory. Leo’s forgiveness is also baggage free; they don’t hold your transgressions against you as long as you’ve buried the hatchet.
Virgo: Your Poise Is Unmatched
Virgos have a natural poise, charm and elegance. They ooze calm and confidence. If you’re a Virgo then you hold yourself, and by extension, everyone else, to high standards. Virgos have a refined sense of style and exquisite taste; they will always aim for the best in all things. Virgos are level headed and will hardly lose their cool no matter the situation. They are resilient and solution oriented.
Libra: You’re Always Fair-Minded
Whenever friends need to settle a dispute, you’re the first person they think of. And that’s because you’re naturally a fair person. When judging a situation, you make sure to weigh both sides and do your best to arrive at a solution that leaves both parties feeling satisfied.
Scorpio: You Love to Learn
As a Scorpio, you’re always down to try anything once. You’re passionate, intelligent and curious at heart – Your curiosity is what keeps you alive. And it’s also why you’re one of the most erotic signs, you’re always willing to try new things. Even outside the bedroom, you love to learn, explore and travel to new places.
Sagittarius: You Always Keep It Real
Sagittarius girlies are one of the most honest people. Even if the truth might be unpleasant to hear, they will always tell it like it is. You hate to lie, especially to yourself, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
Capricorn: You’re the Most Considerate Sign
One of the best things about a Capricorn is how naturally considerate they are. A Capricorn will never inconvenience you, but will always go out of their way to make sure you’re at ease. If it’s morning and your Capricorn partner is up and active but you’re still in bed, they will quietly go to another room so you’re not disturbed and can sleep peacefully. When someone asks for help, you’re there. When they ask for space, you give it to them. You’re such a thoughtful person and everyone adores this about you.
Aquarius: You’re Kind and Non-Judgemental
Aquarius women are kind at heart and love to help/support others. Your “live and let live” outlook on life is why you’re always so unbiased and non-judgemental towards people. You tolerate different viewpoints, cultures, trends, values and so on because you love to make room for everyone and everything under your big tent.
Pisces: You’re Everyone’s Cheerleader
Pisces women are natural-born cheerleaders. They will always encourage their friends and loved ones to chase their dreams and go after what they want. Enthusiastic at heart, even on days when they feel their worst, they pick themselves up (even if it takes a week) and look forward to brighter days because they hate to worry about things they can’t control. You’re never a Debby Downer, but always optimistic.