Virgos will point out that inconspicuous piece of thread dangling off your clothing, give themselves a hard time over a slip-up they made that wasn’t even a big deal and proffer endless details ‘you missed’ on that project you’re working on. These super introspective and earthy babes, born between August 23rd and September 22nd, are always striving for perfection and know how to bring order to the most dysfunctional spaces.
You just can’t help but get sucked into the altruistic and well-thought-out life of a brainy Virgo. They have this constant need to work on themselves and everyone around them. There’s never enough room for improvement to this pragmatic star sign ruled by Mercury. Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio are most compatible with a Virgo. If you’ve just recently started seeing a Virgo, then hang tight because your relationship with this intriguing star sign is about to get a whole lot better.
I’ll be letting you in on what a Virgo is looking for in a significant other and helping you understand some of their complexities.
What’s A Virgo Actually Looking For In A Relationship?
Virgos aren’t the ‘let’s see where things go’ kind of people, they are elaborate planners and careful thinkers. Chances are they have already put together lofty standards for their prospective partners.
People born under this sign want to know where exactly you’re taking them and would appreciate a lot of joint soul-searching and ambition on that journey. An ideal partner for this star sign is someone who is intellectual, laid-back, super caring, levelheaded and empathetic. Virgos aren’t really expressive when it comes to their emotions, they bottle a lot of things up inside so attentiveness and good communication skills are much-appreciated bonuses in a prospective partner.
Winning over this sign is pretty simple, they aren’t really into over-the-top love proclamations or dramatic displays of emotion. Virgos want their romantic life as down to earth as possible. Nothing pisses this sign off more than your actions not matching your words, so if you’re always telling them how deeply you feel for them, you better back it up with thoughtful gestures or this mutable star sign will walk.
Reassurance is one thing Virgos need, especially in the sheets. They are often in their heads about their physical desirability, and this often keeps them from having a fulfilling sex life. If this sign chooses you as their partner, you can rest assured that you definitely ticked all their boxes.
How Do Virgos Behave In Relationships?
Virgos, known for their analytical and detail-oriented nature, approach relationships with thoughtfulness and a desire for stability. They are attentive partners, often showing their affection through practical gestures and acts of service. Virgos value open communication and appreciate a strong mental connection with their partners. However, their tendency to overthink and seek perfection can sometimes lead to overanalyzing situations or becoming overly critical. Despite this, their genuine care and dedication shine through in their relationships, making them reliable and loyal companions. Virgos also value personal growth and often inspire their partners to become better versions of themselves.
Virgos = Picky AF
A lot of people misinterpret a Virgo‘s pickiness as them being indecisive but this isn’t the case. People born under this star sign know exactly what they want out of life and are always measuring people up to their standards, which are often times quite high. Virgos have the pros and cons of every single relationship they‘re in, stored up in their memory. They have this pragmatic approach to every single thing they do, it kind of makes them come off as unromantic and cold. Scrutiny is one thing this sign is really good at, they are able to put their emotions aside and make logical life decisions. Virgos need to learn how to let their hearts lead sometimes.
Masters of Suppressing Their Feelings
Virgo babies are a fascinating mix of super sensitive and emotionally guarded. They aren’t really good at expressing themselves and are overly cautious about overreacting. It takes a lot of effort to get this star sign to talk about how they feel. A Virgo will close back up for good if they feel they aren’t being understood or getting the comfort and reassurance they need from you.
When this sign falls in love, don’t expect them to be all mushy. A Virgo’s way of letting you in on how they feel isn’t the most blatant, they would prep you for an important meeting and run errands for you even when their schedules are super tight. These and many more scenarios are how Virgos express their feelings when they are enamoured.
The Most Responsible People You’d Ever Meet
You can always count on this sign when you need a job done. Virgos are super dedicated and hardworking people, they give even the most minuscule tasks their all. This sign is hard on everyone around them and themselves. If you’re looking for an efficient accountability partner to go on some self-improvement journey with, then look no further than a Virgo. The downside to Virgos being super responsible is that they are often fretting about a lot of necessary and unnecessary things. This sign needs a super compassionate partner who can help them relax and realize that they have done their best and that perfection is elusive.
They Can Be Imposing
People born under this star sign are kind of obsessed with self-help techniques, they are always switching up their routines and trying out different life hacks. They get a thrill out of seeing huge differences from little changes and always want their loved ones to share in this thrill.
Understanding that their routines won’t work for everyone else is one thing this sign struggles to come to terms with. Virgos can be a tad bit annoying with their constant life hack suggestions and sometimes view people who are unreceptive of these suggestions as unproductive.
The Observers Of The Star Signs
Virgos never forget. The memory of this sign is quite remarkable. They can recall how an incident happened without leaving any details out. People born under this sign love going down memory lane and sharing points in their lives where they were the happiest.
The strong memory of a Virgo is also one of the reasons why they are excellent problem solvers, they can pinpoint where something went wrong and work at it until they attain perfection.
They Are Very Analytical
Virgos are good at analyzing situations or problems and providing a way forward. They read meaning into a lot of things and oftentimes take overthinking to another level.
If you need good advice or an opinion on a decision you’re about to make, then ask a Virgo. This sign would point out details you missed, tell you what you could’ve done better and give you a well-thought-out course of action within seconds of processing all the information you told them.
They Can Be Timid
Being the centre of attention is rarely ever on this sign’s mind. Virgos are super reserved and modest people. They are very self-aware and work hard at keeping their emotions and behaviours in check. Virgo babies know how to respect boundaries, they gravitate towards simple people like themselves and can’t really stand drama.You would rarely ever hear a Virgo boasting about their accomplishments. They are naturally humble and often put others before themselves.

Happy Virgo season! Don’t forget to tell that Virgo in your life that they are doing enough and need to relax.