A new research study has shown that women in relationships are more likely to gain extra happy weight over women who are single, so when you look in the mirror today and catch an extra tummy roll, you know who to blame it on. But let’s be honest, relationships and weight gain go hand in hand. From happy hormones to sex, love is making you gain weight, and here are 5 reasons why.

1. You’re Both Eating Out. And I mean ALL The Time
It’s easy for your eating behaviours to be influenced by a new relationship because there’s the urge to try out new places, order in more food and go on food dates (How I love trying out new restaurants with my man.) And while that’s amazing, do you know your boyfriend is making you gain even more calories? Any small thing “babe, I know this new place we can try.” And before you know it, you’re eating out often or ordering in, and exercising less. Trust me, I’ve been there. As if that isn’t enough, think of all the times you asked to eat from his plate right after eating your own meal in the name of love and ojukokoro. Single girls – 1. All of us in relationships – 0.
2. Your Body Is Preparing You For Pregnancy
Your uterus always knows best tbh. She can sense some form of stability in your life and what better way to test the strength of your union than to send a bouncing baby your way? In my opinion, your body is doing a groundwork in preparation for carrying a baby, and that’s where all the extra body weight is coming from. You heard it here first.
3. You’re Sleeping Less and Having More Sex
Chances are your 3am nights are now spent snuggling around with man or engaging in sexual intercourse. Your sleep schedules are less organized, and sex is on the menu almost every night. Research shows that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to mess with your body’s metabolism and gain a few pounds. It’s not us sis, it’s science. And on the contrary, you could also be sleeping too much. You’re feeling very comfortable with your partner, generally happier and sleeping with less worries. He’s cuddling up on you, you’re falling asleep on his chest 15 minutes after eating amala and you think it’s romantic. Aww, extra pounds.
Read: 10 Signs You Are The Ultimate ‘Chill’ Girlfriend
4. Girl, All Those Cocktails..
As you’re going on dates and dining out or dining in often, you’re also likely having alcohol on the side. According to a study in the Journal Appetite, drinking before a meal increases the number of calories eaten by 11 percent. Yikes.
5. You’re Probably on the Pill
Some women experience a little weight gain when they start taking birth control pills. One of the side effects of being on the pill is body fluid retention and this could come off as extra fat. These contraceptives, implants and injections are also said to increase your food appetite. My chaotic advice would be to stop controlling and let point number 2 on this list do its thing, but don’t take me too seriously.
If you’re worried about gaining weight while taking hormonal birth control pills, discuss with your Gynecologist for other birth control methods that might be suitable for you. Remember however, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of extra weight gain from enjoying a soft life.
Read: Everything You Need to Know About the Different Types of Contraceptives