Dating as a young woman in this generation makes being consistent with going to the gym look easy. If I am told to pretend like I do not care about someone I am clearly interested in one more time, I think I am going to lose it. On social media, shady relationship experts say in order to “win at love”, you have to know how to play the game. And a lot of the time for us women, playing the dating game means silently competing with your significant other for who cares the least in the relationship.
In reality, even though you might be the most laid back person on the planet, opening your heart to someone else can easily make you feel like you are going crazy! On the flip side, we have the “chill girlfriend” archetype who always seems to keep her cool when it comes to dating, so I compiled this list in honor of this type of woman. I could definitely learn a thing or two from you.

1. Daily Communication Is Not Required In Your Relationship
This is the gold standard for a laid-back girlfriend. You are entirely okay with not speaking to your significant other on a daily basis and it does not upset you or make you doubt your relationship. Your friends think it’s weird but is isn’t. You’re just simply so chill!
2. Being Too Friendly With Female Friends Does Not Bother You
If you are okay with your significant other having a lot of female friends who he is unusually close to, and I mean Paige and Dami from Love Island close, or doing as I personally like to call them, “Baba for the girls,” then you are definitely a chill girlfriend.
3. You Don’t Start Random Fights Every 3-5 Working Days
Peace is your middle name as a laid-back girlfriend. Some of us have quarrels with our partners about little things they do or disagreements over larger issues. but you know when and how to let things go for the sake of peace.
4. “We’re Just Going With The Flow” Doesn’t Raise Red Flags
While others might ask rhetorically, “Am I a river?” in response to being advised to go with the flow. As a chill girlfriend, ‘going with the flow’ is your motto. You are at ease in situationships and undefined relationships, and you hardly ever experience heartbreak. When there are so many possibilities available, you do not feel the need to commit to one person or wear your heart on your sleeve.
Read: Women Share Their Biggest Dating Regrets, And The Responses Are Heartbreaking
5. You’re Okay With Your Partner Liking Other Girl’s Thirst Traps
I mean, how else will your partner know just how chill you are if you don’t applaud his taste in women every time you see he has liked another girls’ risque photo? Being the laid back girl you are, nothing seems to phase you. In fact, you’re so chill that you both check out other women together. Like I said, I’m trying to be like you.
6. He Doesn’t Share His Plans With You (And You’re Fine With It!)
An easy way to know if you are a chill girlfriend, is if you are not constantly wondering where your partner is and what they are up to. You let them do their own thing and are completely fine with giving them the space they need. They hardly involve you in their plans and you’re okay with that.
7. You Remain Unbothered When Your Partner Takes Hours To Respond To A Text
If you are not counting down the seconds and minutes it takes your partner to respond to your text, then you are a chill girlfriend and I am trying to be like you! As a chill girlfriend, you are not quick to make assumptions about why your partner has not responded because a fast or late text response does not define your relationship.
8. You Are Comfortable Flaunting Your Relationship On Social Media
It seems like everyone these days has trust issues when it comes to posting their partner on the internet. However, as a chill girlfriend, you are “too blessed to be stressed”. Your partner is constantly on your feed and IG stories because posting your significant other on social media is simply not that deep.
9. You Never Go Through Your Partner’s Phone
Being the chill girlfriend you are, you don’t like to start drama and you avoid issues with all your might. You know that going through your partners phone will only result in stress, so you don’t ever snoop around because why should you?
10. You Are Content With The Bare Minimum
The chill girlfriend does not expect much from her significant other. Life is difficult enough, so why stress your partner by asking for frivolous things like flowers, a quick text back or spontaneous dates? You know what the relationship experts say, “be his peace”.