Are people born in April kinkier than those born in November? Based off (majority) of our sexual experiences, here’s what your birth month says about your sex life. Tell us what we got right/wrong in the comments!
1. January
People born in January are kinky but are very conservative when it comes to actually getting with someone. Once they like you and are comfortable in your presence, you’ll see how much of a freak they are. But only if they really like you.
2. February
February-born people are adventurous and passionate. But also very emotionally distant. They are usually up for anything; just be prepared to work for it first. And this is because they need to connect with a person emotionally before anything else.
3. March
If you’re lazy or love vanilla sex, you might not want to get with people born in March. They have very intense sex lives and they take sex to a whole different level because they are always willing to try new things. Oh, and they loooove to spend their time in bed.
4. April
People born in April take sex as seriously as they take their job/work: they over perform and out-do themselves each time because they naturally put their ALL into it. With them, it’s super intense and passionate but they get bored very quickly. Once they are over you, that’s it. And they rarely ever look back.
5. May
May babies want sex to be romantic and sensual. They need their comfort and all things nice for them to truly express themselves. They want to make love in the most stunningly decorated room, on the coziest sheets, with lit scented candles and rose petals on the floor.
6. June
Naturally curious people, those born in June are ready to try every sex act/position ever invented because they want to know everything about everything. They may not be as intense as February-born people, but they are still very intense.
7. July
July babies tend to have trust issues so they need to feel safe with a person first before getting physical. But once you’ve earned their trust, they will open up to you (in more ways than one) and will do everything to please you. They are very selfless in bed and they care a lot about the other person’s pleasure.
8. August
August-born people are quite unpredictable. They are either very selfish or very generous during sex. There’s no in-between. They will either make sure their partner is satisfied and having a good time, or they’ll sleep with someone and immediately leave afterwards because they could care less. They don’t like being submissive in bed (and in life!) and their egos get easily bruised. If you don’t fit what they’re looking for, you probably wouldn’t find them in the morning and will very likely never hear from them again.
9. September
September babies are passionate. But when it comes to sex, it takes a lot to get them to let go and actually enjoy themselves. Sex isn’t the first thing they would typically want to do, but if you connect with them on an emotional level, honestly, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do. And that’s because sex is more emotional than physical for them.
10. October
October-born people are the type to tell you “you are the bane of my existence, and the object of my desires” before jumping into sex. They move at a slow pace and take their time to romance and court you because they are very fanciful and dreamy. They are not the most passionate people, but they make up for it in other ways.
11. November
People born in November probably invented passionate sex (Scorpios. No surprise there.) They will take control of your entire body and will let you do the same to theirs. They will try every single sex act in the book just to know and say they have done it.
12. December
December babies are very creative in bed. They view sex as a fun activity and are always ready to try new things with their partner. It may be hard to connect with them on a much deeper level, but sex with them will always be fun!