Samuel Otigba took to Twitter on November 25th to ask women to share the sex acts men need to immediately stop doing, and the responses are killing us.
And not because we’re surprised by the replies, not at all. I mean, men are so clueless when it comes to sex, these are things women have always been complaining about and are still complaining about, so why haven’t men been paying attention?
Anywho, here are some of our favourite responses that are gonna have you nodding your head in absolute agreement while laughing out loud.
The tweet that started the conversation:
1. Men, when will you learn the anatomy of the female body?
2. But all jokes aside, this should be a crime. Let’s start reporting men who chew nipples because, what is the reason?
3. I think the problem is, men imitate what they see in porn and we all know how unrealistic and selfish (when it comes to female pleasure) it is.
4. Emphasis on eye contact!
5. Spend a good amount of minutes on the clit before you move elsewhere, doing too much at the same time actually lessens our chances of having an orgasm but most of all, different strokes for different folks so just ask your woman what she likes before making assumptions.
7. Dear men, because I’m about to cum doesn’t mean change the rhythm. Plis.
8. Enough is enough, no more lying or faking orgasms. Men need to know the truth because what’s all this? FOUR TIMES? 😭
9. Hm. This one is debatable sha.
10. When it comes to the doggy style position, skilled thrusting > forceful thrusting.
11. Men, learn how to be gentle with the clit. And if you need help, ask.
12. And finally, pay attention and listen to the woman instead of rough-housing her because you think that’s what she wants.
To our community and readers, what’s missing from this list? tell us in the comments!