If you’ve been dealing with Nigerian men in the dating scene then you probably already know for a fact that they are indeed a special breed. They will lie about everything and present a reality that only exists in their head to you, just to get their way. These questions are tailored to help you get the real truth from these men no matter how smooth they are. Grab a pen sis, because you are about to get schooled.
1. Is Anybody Under The Impression That They Are Dating You?
Because if you ask him if he is single he will LIE. If you phrase the question like this, you are making it seem like you are on his side so he is more likely to let the truth slip out.
2. Will Anyone Be Angry Or Sad If They Found Out About This Date?
Still double-checking sis. These men lie without missing a beat so you have to squeeze out the truth, especially if you don’t have the strength to fight anybody’s girlfriend in this Lagos. The trick is to ask him the same question many times in different ways so he can slip up.
3. How Quickly Do You Text Back?
If it’s anything longer than 30 mins let him go sis. He will stress you and make you overthink your way to early wrinkles and grey hair.
4. What Did Your Ex Complain About The Most?
If the answer is something you also know you can’t put up with, then that’s your queue to japa.
5. Are You Still On Good Terms With Your Ex?
If they are still buddies then there’s probably unfinished business there, but if they are enemies then you need to get in on what went down in that relationship before you enter something that will give you a reason to go to therapy. This is actually why you should find men that come with no exes. And when you find them, share that location with the rest of us.
6. Why Did Your Last Relationship End?
If he bad-mouths his ex and says it was all her fault then you need to stand up from that table ASAP. You are dealing with a man who will also talk bad about you to the next woman he meets, if whatever you both start ends. If he bad-mouths another woman to you, rest assured he will bad-mouth you to another woman too. Fear men that don’t know how to take accountability.
7. Do You Still Have Your Ex’s Nudes On Your Phone?
If the answer is yes let him go sis. This man belongs to the streets. Why is he still holding on to his exes nudes?
Bonus Question: Are you Ready To Swear Before Sango Or Amadioha That You Are Single?
If so far you aren’t pleased with his responses, trust your gut feeling. Ask him this question to throw him off balance and get the truth.
If he scores anything less than 6 over 7, you better pack your bags and go. Spare yourself the heartache that is sure to follow if you start anything with this person.
😂😂😂. I thought I was going to read something like the regular relationship advices I read online.
But this! So funny. So true. So educating. I couldn’t have come up with this myself. 🥰.
Now I have what I’d ask this guy I’m going out with on the 25th. 😍❤️🎉
What did I just read 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is exactly how it should be
Ohhhhhhh. This was funny . Nothing but raw truth . Thank you blessing
Wow I love this, this is how it should be before falling into trap