A woman’s Vaginal PH balance is rarely talked about and that honestly bothers me. Like my editor said, a lot of women know jack shit about their Vaginas or their PH level, and that just won’t do!
If you’re a woman and you’re alive, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t know about your own vagina.
Read: 8 Things Every Young Woman Should Know About Her Body
Reproductive health constitutes a large chunk of your overall health, so please don’t ignore it.
Now, a lot of women that don’t know any better think that because they are sexually active, they have to keep their pum fresh for their man/woman. True, we keep clean kitties in this house. However, obsessively washing your vagina and using all the feminine wash products in the world is only going to hurt her.
Your Vaginal PH balance is important to us at 21 dear, and that’s why we’re talking about this.
Let’s get down to it (pun intended).
What is Vaginal pH Balance?
It is important to note that our vaginal pH balance changes as we age.
Vaginal pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the vaginal fluids are. Lactobacilli bacteria is responsible for the vagina’s acidic pH level, it secretes lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. So when your system is off kilter and your pH is either too acidic or too basic, it can cause problems like itching, burning sensations, yeast infections and sometimes a gateway to sexually transmitted diseases.
What is a normal Vaginal pH Balance?
In secondary school, we were taught that something that has a pH balance of 7 is neutral. So, below 7 is more acidic, while above is more basic. A normal vaginal pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5, however this changes at different stages in our lives.
It can become higher during menstruation and also after menopause.
Is my Vaginal pH balance unhealthy?
Like I’ve mentioned above, if your vaginal pH level is not between 3.8-4.5, then there might be an imbalance. This can result to yeast infections and Bacterial vaginosis (BV). Your pH level might be affected by semen, period blood, lubes and general lack of hygiene. An unbalanced vaginal pH can manifest in the following ways;
- Vaginal itching
- Unusually colored discharge
- Fishy vaginal odor
- Burning sensation when you pee
People like to experiment with foods when they have sex, this is when you see people gliding wine from their bellies to their vagina and what not. You freaks. Sometimes, you people even put ice-cream around your box and lick honey off each other. Sis I hate to break it to you, but your vagina doesn’t really like that.
Other times, women will wash and wash their vagina with scented soaps and antiseptic fluids. Ha. Desist from such undue stress please. Your vagina doesn’t need to smell like petals, it’s not a fruit basket or vanilla.
Clean vagina smells like clean vagina. Everyone has a unique and natural scent, It’s never a fishy smell though.
How do I restore my pH level?
This is why women are spectacular and our energy is divine; Your yoni is self cleansing. However, you can visit your doctor for proper medical care, or visit your OB/GYN to take a test. It is advisable to take probiotics, this helps with recolonizing the bacteria and can help restore balance to your vagina.
Probiotics are also evident in some foods like yogurt. Consume a fair amount of yogurt (through your mouth please), don’t get yogurt down there, It could possibly make things worse as some of these dairy products contain sugar. Not good at all.
Your vaginal pH balance can also be disrupted after unprotected sex. This is why you are advised to clean up after sex (Please, always pee after sex). Honestly, condom or no condom, just clean up.
Restore your pH level by washing with clean water, and not overly scented products. Like I said, your vag is a no soap zone. It’s not jeans so don’t scrub it, you could hurt yourself.
Conclusively, the Vagina is a complex and beautiful world on its own and should be carefully and thoughtfully treated.
I honestly wish all women were well versed in vagina studies. I’ll share this article because honestly we all need to know.
I agree, Maryam, we all need to KNOW. Thanks girl🧡🧡