Omo, living in Lagos is not easy at all. Matter of fact, it’s a jungle. If you know, you know.
Sometimes you’ll love the city, a lot of the time you’ll hate it. Here are 8 things living in the most popular city in Nigeria will teach you.
1. Connections are important.
Can you really do anything in Lagos without having the right connections?
It’s not what you know, but who you know to be honest. You can apply for a job today and have the most exceptional CV, but the position will go to the person whose father knows the Managing Director.
In Lagos you need to know someone, or someone who knows someone.
2. Don’t be easily fooled.
Living in Lagos will make you realize that in this life, everyone packages.
A lot of what you see, really isn’t what it is. From the fake accents to the fake lifestyle.
It makes you learn not to be easily impressed with what people say or the way people appear, because a lot of the time it’s a lie.
3. O-Y-O.
Living in Lagos will open your eyes to the fact that people really do not care.
A lot of people suddenly care when they only have something to benefit from you.
Of course, you may have some genuine friends and family, but at the end of the day when it really comes down to it, you are all you have.
4. Everyone knows everyone.
Lagos is the city that wouldn’t stop growing and yet, everyone knows everyone.
No, seriously. It’s so large, and yet so small. If you’re not careful, you’ll put yourself inside one chance.
5. Dating isn’t easy.
Dating in general is hard, but dating in Lagos? even worse – it’s the ghetto.
The dating scene will make you never want to put yourself out there again, but you will. You’ll just be less vulnerable due to the wickedness you’ve seen and experienced.
6. Money can buy happiness.
We know people always say “money can’t buy happiness” – in Lagos, it can.
If you breathe, you’ve already spent money. Food, accommodation, fuel, clothing.. everything is expensive.
The standard of living in Lagos is way higher than a lot of cities in Nigeria, so of course you can only survive or be happy when you earn a certain amount of money.