From college friends to childhood besties, our new series, “Girlfriends” is dedicated to exploring and celebrating the incredible journey of female friendships in all their forms. Our brand-new series dives into the highs and lows that come with these special bonds, offering a space to connect, inspire and reflect on the power of friendship. Through honest and heartfelt interviews, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for the unique dynamics and complexities of female friendships.
In this article, Jasmine and Lala share the heartfelt story of their 13-year friendship that has only continued to blossom with time. They are very in love, as besties should be, and their admiration for each other is awe-inspiring.

Let’s Start From the Beginning. When and How Did You Two Meet?
Jasmine: We met at Queens College in 2010. We were seat partners and housemates and both day students. We also had the same group of friends.
Lala: She sat in front of me, I thought she was cute and quiet, and I liked her.
What Was Your First Impression of Her?
Jasmine: She’s a person that’s very easy to like and to talk to, and I was an awkward child, so meeting Lala was very freeing. I felt like I didn’t have to pretend around her. It was an all-girls school, and I felt like everyone was trying to be who they weren’t, but she felt different, authentic, and I could be myself around her.
Lala: Aw, you’re going to make me cry!
Lala: I must mention that she’s a Capricorn. I didn’t know anything about astrology then, but it makes sense; we go together great, and we just clicked. I really like her. It was like finding someone that you don’t have to do too much to be with; I could just be myself. It was nice having someone to tell everything to, and I didn’t feel weird doing so. She’s also very sweet, she’s one of the kindest people I know, even when the people she’s being kind to don’t deserve it. I just felt like I needed to have this person around me.
What Is Your Impression of Her Now?
Jasmine: Lala, you already know what I think of you. Being her friend is like entering into a safe space, a place where I know I can find no judgement, where I can just bare myself.
Lala: I’m bawling my eyes out.
Lala: When I realised my sexuality, it was so easy to tell Jas. She knows everything happening in my life at any moment. I never feel hesitant to tell her anything. No matter what’s happening in my life, she will make it better. I get overwhelmed sometimes, but she has a solution for everything. She brings order to my chaos.
Jasmine: Lala makes my life interesting. She has this always objective view on things, never any judgement; she takes everything in stride.
Lala: We’re the perfect combo, dramatic and very reserved; you’re the goodest.
What Would You Say Holds Your Friendship Together; Do You Have a Lot In Common, or Is It An Opposites Attract Situation?
Lala: At the start of the friendship, it was opposites attract. I was the very lively, boisterous one, and Jas was quiet, reserved, not really talking unless it was just me and her. Now we’re way more similar than we like to admit. Nowadays, we’re talking and finishing each other’s sentences, we’re thinking the same thoughts. I think we found a way to kind of merge, and it works. We have a lot of things in common now; we grew into having a lot of things in common.
Jasmine: Lala’s right. When we met 13 years ago, we didn’t have all that much in common, but now we even think alike. I think it has a lot to do with growing up together and sharing experiences. What I would say holds our friendship together is the fact that we are intentional about our relationship despite any differences. It’s knowing she’s going to be there no matter what.
There’s this thing we do, I don’t even remember how it started, when one person has an issue, say Lala for example, and she wants to talk about it on a call, the first thing she’d ask is, “are you in the right headspace for this?” We take care of each other in so many ways that I can’t even begin to say. And just the thought that there’s someone out there who loves and cares for you that much is so amazing. That’s what I think keeps this friendship together. To me it’s more than having things in common; we love each other and show it in our actions.
Lala: I’m going to cry; stop this is so sweet. I love you baby!
Jasmine: I love you too, my love.

Tell Us About Some of Your Big Fights; How Do You Handle Conflict?
Lala: The last time we had a fight was in Junior School, and it was such a dumb fight. I used to just go nonverbal, and Jas would stick around even when I was being a dick. She just understands when I don’t want to talk. We haven’t really had any fights since then, we have disagreements, but communication solves everything.
Jasmine: I used to have an issue when she didn’t answer calls or reply texts, then she took time to explain how she felt and that sometimes, she just needs space. Recently we realised that we can just talk our issues out.
How Do You Handle Communication?
Jasmine: Thank God for technology. There are times when I really need to see her but we can’t because of school, work, and life. She’s always there even when she’s not, so the physical doesn’t count. Sometimes we talk for like 3 hours on the phone. I don’t miss her presence because we talk all the time. Even if we don’t speak for five days, it doesn’t feel different when we do, we just pick up where we left off.
What Is Your Least Favourite Thing About Your Bestie?
Lala: My least favourite, she might be straight. If she likes a man, I’ll have to put up with him.
Jasmine: *giggles* We’re not sure.
Jasmine: The only thing is, I wish she would pick up her phone once in a while, she’s so bad with texts. Other than that, I can’t think of anything else.
Lala: Sometimes I get very delusional, and you have to snap me out of it.
Jasmine: That’s not my least favourite thing. It’s how she can be very demeaning to herself sometimes. I feel like I have to convince her that she’s beautiful and deserves love. I wish she saw herself the way everybody else sees her.
What Do You Love Most About Her?
Lala: Her voice is one of my fave things about her. I used to hate it, but now I love it. I like everything about her. I like how she laughs, and talks and she’s very beautiful. I think she’s amazing in every way.
Jasmine: I should have gone first; how do I top that?
Jasmine: I love everything about her. How she’s always there, how she gives advice, her stupid tweets, how she dresses, her face. I like how we have serious plans for the future and how she tells me she dreams about us in the future. I like her; I like her mentality.
Lala: You’re so in love with me, Jesus.
Lala: Jas and I talk about this a lot, and it means a lot to me, so I’d like to add it. When we were in school, I got bullied a lot by my friends. We used to have a group of friends, and they all stopped talking to me, but she was the only one who would speak to me. She was in the science corridor, and I was in the arts corridor, and she would come all the way (and it was far) to make sure I was okay, comfortable and happy, and she would walk me all the way to the dorms. She’s just always been that sort of person.
Where Do You See Your Friendship In the Next Five Years?
Jasmine: Next five years? We have plans for more than ten years into the future. This friendship is definitely going to be stronger in five years. There’s no way Lala’s getting rid of me.
Lala: I think five years is not a lot. I just hope it keeps getting better, everything growing in ease, better in every way it can be. That’s it for me really.
Do you and your bestie have an interesting story to share about your friendship? Fill this form and we’ll get back to you!