In this article, we’ve narrowed down to 13 some of the best kinds of advice we’ve heard, read and been told by other women that are so important, we just had to share. Here are 13 pieces of random advice all women need to hear right now:
1. Enjoy Being By Yourself
Fall in love with being by yourself so you don’t end up condoning a bad relationship or friendship just because you can’t imagine being on your own. In life you’re not always going to have your parents, partners or friends to shelter you. You need to learn to fall in love with yourself and actually enjoy being by yourself in order to lead a fulfilling life.
2. Stop Pitying Yourself
You can sit down moping around for God knows how long, but eventually you have to stand up and keep going. You need to know when its time to get up and keep pushing. Never stay down for too long.
3. Make Your Own Money
As a woman, this cannot be emphasized enough. Even if you’re dating the richest person in the world, you should be able to stand on your own two feet because anything can happen. Never be so financially dependent on a man that you forget to make and save your own money.
4. Stop Downplaying Your Intelligence
We know Imposter Syndrome can be a real bitch, but never ever downplay how smart you are. You have come so far and it has nothing to do with luck. You’ve accomplished so much, you should be very proud. Have faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.
5. Stop Apologizing Unnecessarily
Genuine question: Why are women always apologizing? even when we aren’t at fault, we find ourselves saying ‘sorry’.
Reserve your sorrys for when its truly necessary and when it really matters.
6. Negotiate More Money For Yourself At Work
When negotiating your salary, remember who you are: your qualifications, abilities, dedication and much more and put that into consideration. You are worth it so never ever sell yourself short.
7. Always Believe In Yourself And Be Your Biggest Cheerleader
Always be your biggest fan and never stop rooting for yourself, because no one will do it for you.
8. Always Speak To Yourself With Love
How you speak to yourself matters a lot. How you think about yourself also. Don’t speak to yourself with negativity, instead speak highly of yourself. If you don’t see yourself in the best possible way, how do you expect others to see you?
9. Another Woman’s Beauty Is Not The Absence Of Your Own
Give out compliments and praise other women. The presence of another woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own. Never allow yourself feel less beautiful or desirable while surrounded by other women. Be confident in yourself and appreciate other women’s beauty.
10. No Matter What, Never Give Up
As an adult you’ll want to give up and stop trying a lot of the time, but you can’t. Keep doing that thing you love that sparks joy in your heart, even on days when you aren’t feeling like your best self. You’ll love yourself for not giving up.
11. Just Try
Sometimes you’re going to doubt yourself and try to convince yourself not to do something out of fear that you’ll fail. You’ll never know if you don’t try, right? so do just that: try.
12. Never Fight Another Woman Over A Man
If you ever catch yourself about to verbally or physically fight another woman over a man.. just don’t. Take a step back and just don’t. It’s never worth it and you’ll end up looking like a clown.
13. Explore Your Body And Get To Know Yourself
Like we always say, masturbation is healthy. Whether you’ve had sex or not, it’s a great way to explore your body to know what you like and what you don’t like. Plus the orgasms from solo sex are unmatched.