As much as we love, cherish and appreciate our friends, there are still some certain things they do (this life no balance, so its pretty much inevitable) that deep deep down really annoys us, but because we don’t want to come off as petty, childish or overreactive, we don’t really make a fuss about it, but deep down in our chests, it actually upsets us.
You know what I mean now. Those things that don’t seem like big deals, but also kind of are.
Here are 10 things our friends do that we secretly hate:
1. Take Bad Pictures Of Us When We’re Looking Gorge
This is such a friendship deal breaker.. it really is. I mean, if you can’t help me properly document my slay what are we now doing then? Are you really my friend if you don’t know my good picture angles and you don’t know how to make me look taller in pictures? Seriously, think about it. This thing can pain. Especially if you’re now looking fire in a new outfit with a perfectly beat face. Not even one decent picture? ahn-ahn.
2. Tell Their Other Friends Private Things About Us
I understand that you have other friends, your relationship with them might even be longer or deeper than what I have with you, but please for the sake of friendship, don’t use the private information I give you about my life as content for chit-chat with your other friends. It’s so uncool and actually a betrayal. Sharing private information about a friend with other friends is like interning for backstabbing. Scratch that, it is backstabbing
3. Sit On The Fence When We Have Issues With Someone
Hm. I’m not asking you to do the most, but at least show some moral support and pick a side. Especially when it is obvious that I’m being wronged. Isn’t that what friendship is supposed to be about anyway, having each other’s backs?
Please don’t be “neutral” when a close friend is having issues with someone, whether you know the other person or not. Don’t be that person.
4. Cancel Plans With Us Because Of Man
I can’t be very loud with this one, because I’ve done this before. We all do it sometimes but it doesn’t make it less annoying, truth be told. Especially when a friend cancels plans with you for a man that responds to her messages two business days after she sends them. Like come on sis, priorities.
5. Tell Their Partner Things We Tell Them About Us
Using my private life, my struggles and my trauma as pillow talk with your man/woman is a no-no! It’s a violation of my privacy and the trust I have with you, and to be sincere it is scum behavior. Why will you sell me out like that?
6. Force Us To Give Them Relationship Advice They Wouldn’t Follow
You know you will still get back together with him, but you will create a WhatsApp group titled “so done with men” and make me gather around to lay insults and curses on a man you will still get back together with in approximately 3 working days? Come on now, do better.
7. Post Pictures Where We Look Bad, But They Look Good
Seriously, friends who do this are horrible. It’s better to not post pictures of us at all, than to post pictures where we look like Shrek. What if our MCM sees it? How do we explain that that is not our real face? it’s not fair now.
8. Borrow Money From Us And Refuse To Pay Back
This is actually the worst of the worst of the worst (x20). Why else will you borrow money from me and refuse to return it? is that one even friendship?
9. Refuse To Patronize Our Business
Those friends that will refuse to patronize you, but will go ahead to pay double for that product or service from a “bigger” brand while tweeting “support your friends” on the TL. Judgment day is coming o.
10. Scroll By Our Instagram Post And Not Leave A Comment
It doesn’t matter if I sent the pictures to you before I posted it on Instagram. Are you really a friend if you don’t leave a “but who is actually finer than you” comment under my post? that’s a rhetorical question because you are not.
BONUS: Those friends that don’t gift you when its your birthday. Not even a simple N400 card. Cheesy, cute captions are nice and all but sis, why won’t you spend your money on me? I was there when you bought Segun that Rolex now. It’s unfair.