We’re familiar with attachment styles and love languages, but when it comes to our personalities during sex, there’s not much terminology beyond the basic “kinky” or “vanilla.”
If you’ve read our Sex Personality article then you’re probably wondering where you fit in. Take the quiz below to determine your Sex Personality Type;

What Does Sex Mean to You?
Would You Have Sex on the First Date?
Where’s the Most Public or ‘Inappropriate' Place You’ve Ever Had Sex?
Do You Consider Yourself More Traditional or Unconventional in the Bedroom?
Do you Think Love is Needed to Have a Fulfilling Sex Life?
How Do You Feel About Trying New Sexual Techniques or Positions?
How Important Is Spontaneity in Your Sex Life?
What is Your Sex Personality Type?
The Decompresser
For you, sex is all about stress relief. Especially whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed. You love the physical and mental release that happens when you orgasm. You may even use sex (whether solo or partnered) to help you fall asleep at night.
The Explorer
Your sexual curiosity knows no bounds, always eager to learn and open to trying new things.
The Fair-Trader
As the fair-trader, you believe in a give-and-take dynamic, expecting your partner to meet your needs with enthusiasm, as you’re ready to reciprocate gladly.
The Giver
For you, your partner’s sexual experience is of utmost importance–you don’t play. You love to satisfy your partner because that’s just who you are, and turning them on brings you pleasure.
The Guardian
Feeling secure and safe with your partner is your top priority. This is because you may have dealt with sexual trauma in the past.
The Passion-Pursuer
For the passion-pursuer, sex doesn’t meet your standards unless it’s electrifying, all-consuming, passionate, and maybe even animalistic.
The Pleasure-Seeker
Sex, to you, is one of life’s simple pleasures. Your primary love language is most likely physical touch, and you find joy in the intimacy it brings.
The Prioritizer
No matter how overwhelmed you are, you will always make time for sex. Even when you’re tired, you will always find the time. You never want yourself or your partner to make excuses or be too busy for sex.
The Romantic
For you, the purpose of sex is to connect with your partner on an emotional and deeper level, not just the physical one.
The Spiritualist
The Spiritualist believes that sex should be a transcendent experience. You enjoy sex that connects you to a higher purpose.
The Thrill Seeker
For you, there’s a thrill to having sex that feels forbidden or taboo. While the Explorer simply likes to explore, for exploration sake, you on the other hand crave that sense of taboo.
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