For the longest time, and I’m talking pre-pandemic lockdown, I have had this particular N10 note sitting pretty in my side wallet. From my broke trips to the ATM, to moments when I’ve had extra cash, this N10 note just won’t stop warming my purse.
We are all aware of Nigeria’s fast and furious race into another recession, and how only the early days of it are already proving to be hell. Therefore, I’ve made it an end of the year goal to spoil someone’s son with this N10 note because in 2021, I only want to be seeing Dollars and Pounds in my wallet please. This note needs to flee away once and for all and make space for it’s superiors.
If you’re like me, I’m here to help. I am calling out all the N10 notes in our wallets, to come out and be useful. 2020 is your year.
Here are 5 things you can still use that Naira note to do, before the year ends. I’ll be expecting my thank you card later!
Option 1: One Akara Or One Puff-puff.
So, let me do the quick math for you; N100 puff-puff or N100 Akara equals to 10 pieces, meaning one piece of either food will go for N10! Do you know what this means? You can head down to that Akara spot down your street and buy your hungry self one! Of course, not without a disclaimer that the seller and everyone around there might have to assume you have a serious problem by buying just one piece, but you can’t shame the shameless. That N10 must go!
Option 2: Paper Photocopy.
Now, this is a much more relaxing option that doesn’t involve people staring at you like you’re crazy. Some cyber cafe’s in Lagos will photocopy one piece of paper for you, for just N10. All you have to do is, find something you need another copy of, and then walk to about 5 centers. Our guess is, 4 out of 5 will accept your 10 Naira note and photocopy one page for you. Lovely.
Option 3: Give A Vagrant.
This one I love. Have you been walking past that homeless man or woman on the street, and your excuse to your self is always, I don’t have change? Problem solved girlfriend! Give out that N10 note to him or her and enrich another soul. The only problem is, you know how Africans always talk about how some beggars aren’t always genuine, and they can use your destiny for rituals and all that scary stuff? Hopefully, you don’t find yourself in that situation, because we didn’t send you oh.
Option 4: Add It To Another Note.
Just in case you forgot the possibility of this, add this N10 note to another note, and what do you have? Better yet, add this N10 note to N990 and that way, you can buy 1000 pieces of Akara. You’re welcome!
Option 5: Sweet/Biscuit
You didn’t think we were going to talk about the Prestigious N10 note and not talk about this right? N10 notes have been saving lives since the ’90s. There’s always that simple option of buying a snack from your friendly neighborhood shop. The best thing is the variety of choices you get, from the plain stick sweet, to the juicy option of having gum inside your sweet, or those tiny ones you can throw into your mouth? Emphasis on spoiling someone’s son! This one is sweeter than palliative love.
Who said a N10 note can’t be useful?
Happy new year in advance!
LMAO!!!! THIS!!!!!!