Everyone has dealbreakers. In friendships, while dating and of course, in relationships. Dealbreakers are those things that instantly give you the ‘ick’ because you know it’s something you just can’t move past. For some it could be cheating, while for others it could be something as little as having an H-factor. We’re all designed differently, and so, there are just certain things we can never look past.
In this article, the 21 MAG team has come up with 11 interesting dating scenarios, and we would like to know if you consider them good enough reasons to break up with someone. Are they reasonable or unreasonable? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
1. You’ve been dating someone for a little while, let’s say it’s been about a month. You’ve noticed they always correct you; if it isn’t your spelling during texts, its correcting you on your grammar, your posture, dressing and so on. You’ve basically come to the conclusion that your partner is a know-it-all. Basically, he/she never lets you hear word. Is this a reasonable or unreasonable reason to dump someone?
2. Every time you go out with your partner, they get so drunk that they are unable to think, walk or talk properly. You’ve complained to them that it’s starting to get tiring, and you would like them to stay off alcohol until they learn how to handle their liquor. They promise you that things will change, but the next time you both step out for a night out, they get wasted over one Long Island Iced Tea, and you’re forced to once again, take them home and clean up after them. Is this a reasonable or unreasonable reason to dump someone?
3. Your partner has way too many opposite sex friendships. It’s something that has always bothered you, but because you don’t want to seem overbearing, you’ve never really brought it up. One day, he tells you that he has made plans with a “friend” to see a movie, and you find out that he’s referring to one of his female friends. Is this a reasonable or unreasonable reason to dump someone?
4. You’re not materialistic, but you like to live a soft life. During the talking stage, your partner always showered you with gifts, and luxurious items and now that you’re dating, he/she has become laid back, and doesn’t spend on you as much. You brought it up one day, and your partner’s response was very nonchalant. Is this a reasonable or unreasonable reason to end things with someone?
5. You’ve been talking to a potential partner for almost a month now. Everything seems to be going great until you both have the ‘body count’ conversation. He’s the one who brought it up and although that already put you off, you convinced yourself that it was no big deal. You decide to honestly tell him what your body count is, and he replies saying it is too much for a “lady.” Is this enough reason to walk away?
6. You always fish for compliments from your partner because you have realised that they never admire or compliment you, but are always so quick to compliment other women. Is this a good enough reason to break up with someone?
7. You have noticed that your partner is way too touchy with other women. Last week, you went out to dinner and you noticed that when he stood up, he had his hand on the waitress’s waist while he was trying to tip her. Is this a good enough reason to dump someone?
8. You can’t count the number of times you have corrected your partner during sex. You have told him what to do to pleasure you, but he doesn’t listen. Sex now has become tiring for you, because your partner doesn’t satisfy you the way you want to be satisfied, and he is not taking to correction. You’re on the brink of cheating on him, because you’re tired of having a horrible sex life. Do you end things with him, or do you cheat?
9. Your partner is rude and is always so quick to get violent with people. The last time you went out together, he got into a fight with a security guard at Chicken Republic because he failed to direct him properly while we was parking. Do you find aggression sexy, or are you dumping him?
10. Your partner is still close friends with their ex, and even still has nudes of them on their phone. You have told them a million times to cut all ties with their ex, and now you have noticed that they are being sneaky about it. Is this a good enough reason to walk away?
11. Your partner has zero fashion sense. It has become so bad that you have to approve his/her outfits before you both go out, to avoid embarrassment. It may sound shallow, but you’re tired of always living in constant fear of what they might wear next. Is this a good enough reason to dump someone?
Which of these are complete and total dealbreakers for you?